Thursday, March 31, 2011

A tour of Sutton-on-the-Isle...

Cheers to ya! Sorry it's been so long.  I've been moving about a lot in the past couple days and haven't really had much time to post...but enough about my lame excuses...we've got some catching up to do...
Lets go for a walk...

Where are we you ask? Why this is the fair town of Sutton-on-the-isle, voted Village of the Year in 2002. .We just passed the grocery store/post office/bus stop building...It's a tiny, tiny, TINY collection of old stone town houses dotted with apple orchards and laundry lines hung in the yard. It does have a lovely cathedral(1305?) though with a fascinatingly ancient graveyard encircling it...
The whole area used to be an island sticking up in the middle of the marshes, hence the on-the-isle...Its a grand place to call home "temporarily."  There's my friend Jess's Sister-in-Law's house down the street next to the pub.  Pretty close to the Pippin house...I know right? Feels like that kinda town...

Down the street from the cathedral we can really get a look at the countryside around the town.  Lovely green fields, a bog and a pond here or there.  Forest is pretty sparse though we get a bit of that too.  Lovely walking paths around here.

I gotta tell ya...coming to this place at night, grabbing a pint at the pub, listening to the owls and song birds and the locals argue about cricket...I kinda feel like a hobbit.

Its a good feeling.

Check out my picasa album for more pics of Sutton.
Sutton, Cambridgeshire

Bit of a shift in pace I know in this the next one I promise much adventure, intrigue and even a bit of magic.

Clique? Yeah. Awesome? Um...I go from Stone-hedge to Harry potter's house in one day...I would say...Awesome.

1 comment:

Nizam said...

good story, nice pic n blog too...
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